by Courtney Coleman |
It’s wonderful that SO many people are spending more time in the sun! To produce vitamin D, we need 20 minutes to an hour of clear, midday sun. I see so many people out there trying to get their vitamin D, but they’re out when it’s early in the morning, or later in the afternoon, OR when it’s overcast or hazy, and each of these situations yields only UVAs, instead of UVBs alongside UVAs, which is ideal for vitamin D production, and occurs only at optimal midday conditions at lower latitudes. I’ll explain the why of all of this, as well as why I’m concerned for people staying out for too long in poor sun conditions.
Dr. Joseph Mercola stresses the importance of SAFE SUN EXPOSURE (guidelines listed below) so your body can produce natural vitamin D. He tells us to gently build up our base tan, which helps protect us from the sun’s harmful, UVA rays.
In this article, I listed which foods Dr. Mercola points to which help establish built-in UVA protection (internal sunscreen) in your skin, and foods for optimal skin-health in general. There’s also a list of the toxic ingredients to watch out for in conventional sunscreen lotions, as well as how to make your own, homemade, natural sunscreen.
Getting a safe, daily dose of sunshine benefits us in many ways; we get natural vitamin D production (which cuts our all around cancer risk by 60% !!), improved mood and energy, synchronization of biorhythms and better sleep, and beneficial treatment of depression and various diseases like cancer, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and tuberculosis. Wow!
Okay. Let’s start with the principles of safe sunning. Throughout the day, there are two different types of rays we get from the sun. One type is beneficial, and one type is detrimental.
The bad rays, called UVA rays, occur all day long. They penetrate your skin deeply, so they can cause free radical damage. They break through cloud cover, pollution, and penetrate most types of glass. They can damage your skin in the morning and in the late afternoon, when the sun’s rays are bent, or whenever the sun is LESS than 50 degrees above the horizon, which happens year-round in high latitudes such as Alaska.
The BENEFICIAL rays, the UVBs (think: B is for beneficial), are the type of rays that help our bodies make vitamin D. But these beneficial rays only occur in significant amounts between about 10AM – 2PM in the late spring, summer, and early fall at our latitude here on the Central Coast, or when the sun is overhead and the rays are more direct (MORE than 50 degrees above the horizon).
Most recently, Dr. Mercola has outlined the foods which cause our skin to be susceptible to sunburn, which I’ve paraphrased:
One of the most important strategies to radically lower your risk of sunburn will be to decrease the amount of seed oils and processed foods which contain seed oils. These seed oils like canola, sunflower, safflower, corn, soybean, vegetable oil, and even cheap olive oils, are loaded with omega-6 fats, specifically linoleic acid (LA). Most people don’t realize that sunburn is a result of the UV rays damaging the highly perishable LA that is embedded in the cell membranes of your skin from your diet. If you have very low LA in your diet, your skin cells have much less of this easily damaged fat in the cell membranes of your skin, and thus it will not be as easily damaged from the UVs in sunlight. However, it is important to understand that it takes years of a low LA diet to reduce the LA content in your body, as its half life is years, not a day or two like it is with carbs.
“The key to preventing skin damage and skin cancer is to avoid burning. As soon as your skin starts turning the next darkest shade (which will be relative, depending on your base skin color), it’s time to get out of the sun or put on protective clothing. A wide-brimmed hat to protect your face is advisable at all times. A majority of your vitamin D production comes from exposing large areas of your body — not your face.
“Topping the list of nutrients that protect your skin from sun damage is astaxanthin. Taking somewhere between 4mg and 12mg daily can allow you to spend far more time outdoors without risking a sunburn. Just remember — it will take a few weeks before the effects become apparent, so start early.
“That said, optimizing your vitamin D and taking natural vitamin E (food sources: raw almonds, raw sunflower seeds, wheat germ oil, and peanut butter, OR make sure you’re getting a well-balanced all-natural vitamin E supplement (D-Alpha Tocopherol), not a synthetic one…Look for a supplement that is free of soy, and soybean oil derivatives and genetically engineered (GE) ingredients like corn & cotton seed oil). Vitamin E can further add to your body’s natural sun protection, as can drinking green tea or taking an ECGC supplement.
1) Try to get out in the sun in the midday, when the sky is clear of clouds/fog/smog, and only stay out as long as it takes YOUR skin to turn a slightly darker shade. For me, since I’m fairly fair-skinned (thanks to my Irish heritage), that’s about 15 minutes in the spring & fall, and only 10 minutes in the summer. As soon as I turn slightly pink, I go back inside or cover up. Lately, I’ve been able to spend longer and longer periods out in the sun without burning, as I’ve slowly and steadily developed my protective base tan. It’s best to let our natural pigmentation (tan) develop slowly to avoid burning even slightly.
2) Avoid burning at all costs. Sunburn is one of the biggest risk factors for skin cancer and photo-aging. If you accidentally do burn, use raw aloe vera to sooth and heal your skin. If you have to be out in the sun for extended periods, cover up, or use a non-chemical sunscreen (see “sunscreen lotion” below).
3) When sunning, get as much of your skin exposed as possible, even if it’s simply rolling up your sleeves and pant legs, but shade your delicate face and eyes.
4) Avoid sunning through a window or glass, or foggy/overcast sky, where the beneficial UVB rays get blocked but the bad UVA rays come through.
5) Avoid foods which weaken your skin’s natural sun protection: refined vegetable oils, processed foods, foods with chemical additives, and inflammatory foods. Eat plenty of real foods which contribute to your skin’s natural sun protection: virgin coconut oil, plenty of omega 3 fats, quality vitamin C, oral Vitamin D3, and the supplement Astazanthin (which occurs in micro-algae and in fish/krill oils).
6) After sunning, when showering, wash your armpits and groin with soap but try not to scrub the rest of your skin with soap as it interferes with you body’s ability to absorb vitamin D. You see, vitamin D production happens in the sebum (oils) of your skin, which can take up to 2 days to be absorbed into your body.
If you’re in the sun for extended periods and you want to wear a sunscreen instead of covering up, it’s smart to use a natural, non-chemical formula that’s safe and healthy for your skin. Natural health experts tell us to not put anything on our skin that we wouldn’t eat, as our skin is an absorbative organ.
I like California Baby and Elemental Herbs SPF 33. And, of course, for natural, affordable sunscreens AND bug repellents.
And here are several ways to make your own, natural, homemade sunscreen!
Know that there are many potentially harmful chemicals in conventional sunscreen such as dioxybenzone and oxybenzone, which are some of the most powerful free radical generators known to man! So, toss your conventional sunscreen in the trash if it contains dioxybenzone, oxybenzone, or any of these other chemicals: Para amino benzoic acid…Octyl salicyclate…Avobenzone…Oxybenzone…Cinoxate…Padimate O…Dioxybenzone…Phenylbenzimidazole…Homosalate…Sulisobenzone…Menthyl anthranilate…Trolamine salicyclate…Octocrylene…
Also, research suggests several of these common ingredients in sunscreen awaken harmful dormant viruses within coral reefs. National Geographic came out with a startling discovery: Sunscreen chemicals are killing coral reefs around the world. Four ingredients commonly found in popular brands of sunscreen – paraben, cinnamate, benzophenone, and a camphor derivative – are suspected of awakening dormant viruses which kill certain algae that live inside coral reefs. Essential to the health and well-being of coral, these algae provide coral with its food energy and contribute to its vibrant color. Without these algae, coral turns white – or “bleaches” – and dies. Tragically, these sunscreen chemical-driven viruses replicate until the algae explode, spreading viruses into surrounding coral communities.
To paraphrase Dr. Joseph Mercola:
When it comes to your skin, what you eat has a lot to do with your complexion, and, a number of skin problems can be cleared up simply by altering your diet. By keeping your insides healthy and clean, your skin will have no choice but follow suit and mirror your internal state.
As a general rule, a diet high in fresh vegetables, which are rich in bioflavanoids, and plenty of omega-3 fat, will lay the necessary groundwork for a healthy, youthful complexion. Certain nutrients also have protective benefits, helping your skin develop some natural, built in sun protection, and ward off the damage caused by exposure to the elements.
Remember that your skin needs healthy fats to stay firm, supple, and wrinkle free. I recommend low-mercury fish that are high in omega-3, such as wild Alaskan salmon (not Atlantic salmon, which is typically farmed), and small fatty fish like sardines and anchovies, or take a high quality supplement like krill or salmon oil. Both of these contain a small amount of astaxanthin, which can offer potent sun protection, acting as an internal sunscreen. In terms of antioxidant capacity, astaxanthin is 65 times more powerful than vitamin C, 54 times more powerful than beta-carotene, and 14 times more powerful than vitamin E. It exhibits VERY STRONG free radical scavenging activity and protects your cells, organs and body tissues from oxidative damage which helps prevent cancers.
There are only two main sources of astaxanthin — the microalgae that produce it, and the sea creatures that consume the algae, such as salmon, shellfish, and krill. Many athletes report astaxanthin allows them to stay in the sun for longer periods of time without feeling ill and without burning. Less burning also means lower skin cancer risk. Cyanotech Corporation funded a study through an independent consumer research laboratory to measure the skin’s resistance to both UVA and UVB light, before and after astaxanthin supplementation. After taking 4 mg of astaxanthin per day for two weeks, subjects showed a significant increase in the amount of time necessary for UV radiation to redden their skin.
Keep in mind that insulin and leptin resistance are major accelerants of the aging processes, which affect both your inside and outside, so it’s important to keep your blood sugar levels low and steer clear of refined foods if you want to maintain a youthful look — not to mention optimal health. The most effective way to do this is by reducing or eliminating processed, packaged, and fast foods, as they’re high in refined sugar, processed fructose, trans fats, processed salt, and other detrimental ingredients. Drugs and alcohol are also clearly enemies of a glowing complexion, and pasteurized dairy products are sometimes to blame for skin ailments.
Healthy fats which contribute to a glowing complexion include coconut oil, avocado, olives and olive oil, and raw nuts. Macadamia and pecans contain the most healthy fat while being low in carbs and protein. Brazil nuts are another good choice. Besides being on the higher end in terms of healthy fat, and lower in terms of carbs and protein, they’re also a good source of selenium, which can help protect against sun damage and age spots. As little as 3 to 4 Brazil nuts can provide you with nearly 4 times the recommended daily amount of selenium.
Traditionally fermented foods and/or a high quality probiotic can also be very helpful for optimizing your skin health. Fermented/Cultured foods help promote the growth of friendly intestinal bacteria and aid healthy digestion. They also support healthy immune function, and increase B vitamins, omega-3, digestive enzymes, lactase and lactic acid, and other immune chemicals that fight off harmful bacteria and promote healthy skin…your skin often shows an accurate picture of your gut health.
Raw and cooked vegetables as 60-70% of your diet supports your natural detoxification systems. For example, healthy liver function is supported by dark green leafy veggies such as kale, spinach, dandelion greens, and broccoli. Aim for a wide variety of veggies in different colors for the widest variety of nutrients and antioxidants.
Orange-red vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and red peppers are particularly rich in beta-carotene. Your body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which prevents cell damage and premature aging.
Most leafy greens provide lots of vitamin A as well, but spinach, kale, and Swiss chard also provide lutein and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants are perhaps most well-known for their eye benefits, but they also greatly benefit your skin. Similar to astaxanthin, research has shown lutein and zeaxanthin can provide a four-fold increase in protection against skin damage caused by UV radiation. Lycopene also offers protection against UV radiation damage by acting as internal sunscreen. Tomatoes are a prime source of lycopene, levels of which are much higher in cooked, processed tomatoes such as tomato paste.
And high-antioxidant treats like cruciferous veggies, raw cacao nibs, and green tea are also known to beautify your skin. Dark chocolate is another source of valuable antioxidants. Cocoa flavanols in particular have been shown to boost skin hydration and improve blood circulation. In one study, women who drank a flavanol-rich cocoa powder drink daily for 12 weeks saw improvements in skin roughness and scaliness compared to the control group. For maximum health benefits, I recommend raw cacao nibs, which are actually bitter, not sweet. If too bitter, opt for the darkest chocolate you can tolerate, ideally 70 percent cacao or higher. Milk chocolate is worthless, as the sugar content is far too high and outweighs any benefits from the little polyphenols present in it.
Vitamin C aids in your body’s production of collagen, which is the protein that forms the basic scaffolding of your skin. It also helps with skin healing, if you’re struggling with any kind of skin problems. Foods high in vitamin C include citrus fruits, papaya, kiwi, strawberries, red bell peppers, broccoli, and Brussel’s sprouts. Citrus fruits also contain limonene which is associated with a 34 percent lower risk of skin cancer.
Besides vitamin C, vitamins D and B3 have also been shown to provide valuable protection against skin damage and skin cancer. B3 rich foods include: high protein foods like meat, liver, milk and peanuts. Also, rice, whole wheat, turnips, celery leaves, sunflower seeds, almonds, fish, prawns, tuna, chicken breast, beef, halibut, and salmon. Other food sources of vitamin B3 include mushrooms, cantaloupe, mangoes, peaches, asparagus, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, mustard greens, and squash…green beans, broccoli, and potatoes are also excellent sources of vitamin B3.
And, as mentioned initially, Vitamin D is formed in your skin, and once activated in the liver and kidneys it influences the genes in your skin and helps prevent the type of abnormalities that ultraviolet light causes. As a result, sun avoidance becomes the factor that paradoxically can trigger skin cancer.
Here’s a link to Dr. Joseph Mercola’s super-informative, full article on the importance of safe sun exposure
For more helpful articles, please visit today and receive your FREE Take Control of Your Health E-book, by Dr. Mercola, a New York Times bestselling author!

by Courtney Coleman |

Foods/Supplements TO PREVENT Getting Coronavirus
from Dr. Mercola, Dr. Douillard, Anthony William, and Chris Wark
(To heal ACUTE symptoms of Coronavirus, scroll down)
VITAMIN C IS VITAL…Vitamin C has two major functions that help explain its potent health benefits. First, it acts as a powerful antioxidant. It also acts as a cofactor for enzymatic processes. Vit C Foods: citrus, tomato, pineapple, berries, kiwi, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, cayenne, all peppers…low dose, food-state vitamin C every 2 hours throughout the day is ideal.
INCREASE VITAMIN D INTAKE…Research shows vitamin D3 supplementation lowers the risk of respiratory illnesses and lung infections in the elderly by 40%. Boost your immune system with regular sensibly controlled sun exposure and, when unable to do that, take 2,000-5,000 IU of oral vitamin D3. And, an ideal combination, now commonly available, is D3 with K2, for all kinds of body benefits!
Take Pre-, Pro- and Sporebiotics (such as Primal Defense OR Jarrow OR Complete Probiotics (…freeze-dried probiotics are potent and don’t need to be refrigerated
Herbs which boost immunity….elderberry, astragalus, echinacea, garlic, ginseng, lemon balm, licorice root, rosehips, ginger…Drink Ginger Tea (hot) throughout the day!
Mushrooms…reishi, shiitake & maitake
Other supplements which boost immunity….spirulina, beta-glucan, glucosamine, minerals: zinc, magnesium, copper & selenium, lipoic acid, sulforaphane, resveratrol
Glutathione…sulfur-rich vegetables increases glutathione levels: cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, watercress and mustard greens, as well as garlic, shallots and onions. Beef, poultry, fish are especially great for glutathione production. Vit C foods like: strawberries, citrus fruits, papayas, kiwis and peppers/cayenne. Selenium is a cofactor for the production of glutathione. Fish, organ meats, and Brazil nuts are all selenium-rich foods that may help increase your levels naturally. Include foods naturally high in glutathione, like avocados, spinach, and okra.
Eat: Alkalize your body with tons of veggies and fruits. What makes me feel great is a whole food diet consisting of 40-50% green, non-starchy veggies…I like a low-glycemic Mediterranean Diet with sprouted & simmered whole grains instead of pasta, plenty of beans & legumes, good fats, and small amounts of good quality fish/chicken/lamb optional occasionally. Shiitake mushrooms are specifically immune-boosting…Lots of raw ginger and raw garlic boost immunity too…Winter squash/yam/carrot for food-state vitamin A. The more you can incorporate whole foods into your diet, the less room there will be for white flour products, chips, cookies, crackers, etc…
Triphala: Indian herbs for bowl/liver/immunity: alamlaki/bibhitake/haritake (
Chywanprash: Indian herb blend for all-around health & adaptability/stress (
Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs: Yin Chau
Immuno-Core by Functional Nutrients (Dr. Keesha Ewers:
Use Acupressure Points on hands/feet to boost immunity
Get Good Sleep…up to 80mg of MELATONIN is helpful AND fights viruses! (Mercola 4/1/20)
Seven Types of Food To Boost Immunity for Flu Season…(Mercola 4/12/20)
There are plenty of natural strategies to help protect yourself from all of the viruses and bacterial infections going around, and adding immune-boosting foods to your diet is one of them. Here are seven healthy types of food for flu season:
Foods Rich in Vitamin C — Vitamin C is a powerful healing antioxidant known for its benefits for many infectious diseases. Studies have shown that regular supplementation with vitamin C boosts immune function and can help reduce the duration of illness. Foods high in vitamin C include:
1. Kiwi/Citrus/Tomatoes/Papaya/Brussels/Broccoli/Kale/Cayenne/Red Bell Pepper/Butternut/Sweet Potatoes
2. Chicken Soup — As noted earlier, if your mother or grandmother made chicken soup when you were sick as a child, they were on the right track. Chicken soup made with bone broth is excellent for speeding healing thanks to the abundant minerals and amino acids it contains.
3. Fermented Foods — Fermented foods such as kefir, kimchee, miso, pickles and sauerkraut help reseed your gut with beneficial bacteria and strengthen your immune response.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar — Thanks to its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, apple cider vinegar can help boost your immune function and help your body fight harmful inflammation.
5. Garlic — Garlic is a potent antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agent. Ideally, it’s best to consume it raw and crush it just before eating to absorb its benefits in full.
6. Organic Vegetables — Dark leafy greens such as kale, spinach, collard greens and Swiss chard contain powerful antioxidants, flavonoids, carotenoids and vitamin C — all of which help protect against infections. Ideally, opt for organic locally grown veggies that are in season, and consider eating a fair amount of them raw. Juicing is an excellent way to get more greens into your diet.
7. Raw, Grass Fed Organic Milk — This type of milk contains beneficial bacteria and fats that prime your immune system. It’s also a good source of vitamin A and zinc. Pasteurized dairy products are best avoided, as they may actually promote respiratory problems such as recurring colds, congestion and bronchitis.
Make sure you are drinking plenty of fresh, pure water. Water is essential for the optimal function of every system in your body, and will help with nose stuffiness and loosening secretions. You should drink enough water so that your urine is a light, pale yellow.
What Not to Eat When You’re Under the Weather
While you’re sick it’s important to avoid sugar, alcohol and greasy foods. On the one hand, your body needs all the energy it can get to go toward fighting off the illness. On the other, it’s important not to overeat or consume unhealthy foods.
If you feel yourself coming down with something like a cold or flu, this is not the time to be eating sugar, artificial sweeteners or processed foods. Sugar is particularly damaging to your immune system, which needs to be ramped up to combat an emerging infection.
So, if you are fighting the flu, you’ll want to avoid sugar, and this includes sugar in the form of fruit juice and even grains (which break down as sugar in your body).
RECIPE which uses many of these foods:

Simple Immuni-Tea…Simmer in 3qts of water:
2Tbsp Astragalus Root for 10 min
Next, add 1Tbsp dried Elderberries and simmer another 3 min
Lastly, add 2Tbsp dried Lemon Balm herb, turn off heat, and steep for 3 minutes
Strain, refrigerate, and enjoy a cup this tea, twice a day, over the next 5-7 days
Joseph Mercola Says: Build A Strong Immune System By…
as much as you can, avoid processed foods, sugar, alcohol, and don’t smoke
supporting your gut microbiome with probiotics and sporebiotics
eating foods high in vitamins and minerals
staying connected to others via phone/text/online
de-stressing regularly (beginning meditation is excellent!)
getting plenty of exercise, fresh air, and sunshine
get good quality sleep
Anthony William Says, For Ultimate Virus Protection…
reduce fats/oils & replace with avocado, nuts/seeds (avoid ALL fats before 12 noon)
eliminate eggs, dairy, wheat, pork, corn, refined sugar, refined oils, and refined salt
avoid all raw or undercooked food and ice
use copper cookware/cups, wear copper bracelets, hang copper decorations around your house (but ingesting more than 1 gram (1000mg) copper daily can be toxic)
stay peaceful/out of fear/present-minded and try not to worry about “what if”…You don’t have to be fearful in order to be careful
Inhaling Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide works wonders! And please be sure to follow safe procedures, because you’ll need to use a certain low-strength hydrogen peroxide. Nebulizers are not expensive, and this is one of the most effective treatments, especially when used after exposure, or within the first day or two of symptoms, so this is a tool I think every household should have on-hand…
Onion Poultice may work for some people
Cut 1/2 white onion into very small pieces (1/2 inch), and place on a tea towel or piece 14”x14” piece of t-shirt, then mash with a pestle. Fold over cloth and apply directly to chest wherever feeling pain/inflammation and leave for 12hrs. May cause skin irritation, so give your skin a break once symptoms subside.
Breathing onion vapors throughout the day may be enough!
Covid Critical Care Protocol…Mercola 5/31/20
Despite the fact that many critical care specialists are using treatment protocols that differ from standard of care, information about natural therapeutics in particular are still being suppressed by the media and is not received by critical care physicians
Five critical care physicians have formed the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC). The group has developed a highly effective treatment protocol known as MATH+
Of the more than 100 hospitalized COVID-19 patients treated with the MATH+ protocol as of mid-April, only two died. Both were in their 80s and had advanced chronic medical conditions
The protocols call for the use of intravenous methylprednisolone, vitamin C and subcutaneous heparin within six hours of admission into the hospital, along with high-flow nasal oxygen. Optional additions include thiamine, zinc and vitamin D
COVID-19 kills by triggering hyperinflammation, hypercoagulation and hypoxia. The MATH+ protocol addresses these three core pathological processes
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) encourages glutathione production, thins mucus, lowers your chances of influenza infection and reduces your risk of developing severe bronchitis.
Liquid Zinc Sulfate…1 dropperfull 3x/day for 2-3 days (or every 3hrs for up to 2 days for very acute conditions)…Squirt liquid onto back of throat and let sit for 1 minute before swallowing. Zinc is one nutrient that plays a very important role in your immune system’s ability to ward off viral infections, and may play a vastly underrated role in the COVID-19 pandemic. Zinc is vital for healthy immune function and a combination of zinc with a zinc ionophore (zinc transport molecule) was in 2010 shown to block viral replication of SARS coronavirus in a cell culture within minutes. Zinc alone is incapable of fully stopping viral replication as it cannot easily enter through the fatty wall of a cell. Getting all the way into the cell is crucial, as this is where the viral replication occurs. The antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine appears to work against COVID-19 by improving zinc uptake into cells. Natural zinc ionophores that improve zinc absorption include quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG found in green tea), noting many of the biological actions of these compounds may in fact be related to their ability to increase cellular zinc uptake.
Poor Man’s Coronavirus Defense:
A natural antibiotic such as cinnamon extract or oil of oregano
Quercetin as a zinc ionophore (to enhance zinc entrance into cells)
Zinc, up to 30 milligrams per day
Vitamin B3 (niacin), 25-50mg per day, and selenium which boosts bioavailability of zinc
Should zinc turn out to be in short supply, consider eating more zinc-rich foods…Examples include hemp, sesame and pumpkin seeds, cacao powder, cheddar cheese, and seafood such as oysters, Alaskan crab, shrimp and mussels.
B-12 w/methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin (I like Jarrow brand B-Right (B Complex which also includes B3)
Quercetin…It may offer benefits as a treatment for SARS coronavirus infections. Quercetin offers great promise as a potential supplement in the clinical treatment of SARS.
Minerals: zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium, iodine (“Essential Minerals” are great from
High Doses of Vit C & D ( for more details/dosages) As of 4/6/20 Vitamins C and D are finally being adopted in the conventional treatment of novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. This fortunate turn of events is likely to save thousands of lives, while keeping health care costs down. Seriously ill coronavirus patients in New York state’s largest hospital system receive 1,500 milligrams of intravenous vitamin C three to four times a day, in conjunction with other conventional treatments
Vitamin C at extremely high doses acts as an antiviral drug, actually killing viruses.
In recent articles, former CDC chief Dr. Tom Frieden and Dr. John C. Umhau, a public health specialist at NIH, highlight the usefulness of sun exposure and/or vitamin D supplementation to reduce your risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection .
Although vitamin D does not appear to have a direct effect on viruses, it does strengthen immune function, thus allowing the host body to combat the virus more effectively. It also suppresses inflammatory processes.
Get Good Sleep…up to 80mg of MELATONIN is helpful AND fights viruses! (Mercola 4/1/20)
Triphala: Indian herb combo for bowl/liver/immunity: alamlaki/bibhitake/haritake (
Viranol by Functional Nutrients (Dr. Keesha Ewers)
HERBS To Help Heal From Coronavirus
(consult your health practitioner before choosing herbs)
Licorice Root
Cat’s Claw & Lemon Balm
Raw Garlic
Celery Juice
Ginger-Thyme Tonic:
Grate a 2 inch piece of raw ginger into 2 cups water with 3 bruised sprigs of thyme and the juice form 1/2 a lemon, and let sit for 30 minutes.
Strain & drink…You can sweeten w/a small amount of raw honey (1tsp) if desired.
Store the rest on the fridge for up to 5 days.
Other Tips For Prevention & Healing…
Try not to drink cold drinks…instead, sip warm drinks like teas or warm lemon water throughout the day, as coronavirus is often breathed in and trapped in the throat/sinuses for days before it establishes itself. So, warm liquids help flush it into the stomach where it’s way less likely to take hold in your system.
If you DO get a sore throat, every three hours, gargle for at least 20 seconds with a cup of warm water with 1tsp salt and 10 drops Grapefruit Seed Extract.
Hot sauna baths twice a day for 20 minutes reduce chances of viral infection by 50% because viruses can’t withstand heat (only has to be 133 degrees F ). Regular sauna baths work because coronavirus initially hangs out in the sinuses/throat and breathing in hot air can kill it. If the virus has set in and you’re having acute conditions, you can take take hot saunas for 15 minutes up to 5 times/day (remember, fever is the body’s way of handling viruses – for every 1 degree rise in body temperature, white blood cells can travel 4 times faster to attack viruses).
Another heat therapy option would be to spritz your mouth and nose with cool water while alternately breathing in the warm air from a hairdryer for 5 minutes at time (spritz every 10 seconds to keep your face cool), or up to 5x/day for acute sore throat.
Cellular and molecular biologist Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. believes COVID-19 — the disease — is not caused by SARS-CoV-2 alone, but rather that it’s the result of a combination of SARS-CoV-2 and XMRVs (human gammaretroviruses)
SARS-CoV-2 also appears to have been manipulated to include components of HIV that destroys immune function along with XMRVs.
Those already infected with XMRVs may end up getting serious COVID-19 infection and/or die from the disease. Mikovits’s research suggests more than 30 million Americans carry XMRVs and other gammaretroviruses in their bodies from contaminated vaccines and blood supply.
Mikovits believes 40 years of data suggest Type 1 interferon at very low dose would be an ideal treatment for COVID-19.
RT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) testing, currently used to diagnose active infection by detecting the presence of SARS-CoV-2 genetic material, overestimates infection rates. For an accurate account of COVID-19 prevalence, we need to test for antibodies.
Essential Supplements I take all year round
(for overall health AND to strengthen immunity)
Essential Minerals (
Jarrow brand Krill Oil OR Antarctic Krill Oil from…Compared to fish oil, krill oil is much more sustainably grown and harvested, will not give you the “fish burps”, has higher potency, and contains natural phospholipids which makes it more readily absorbed, contains astaxanthin (a powerful antioxidant, which makes if far less prone to oxidation), is virtually contaminant (mercury) free, and has a superior metabolic influence.
Jarrow brand B-Right (B-complex)
Vit C with bioflavonoids
Vit D3
Probiotic such as Primal Defense OR Jarrow OR Complete Probiotics (
Freeze-dried probiotics are often MORE potent, and they don’t need to be refrigerated. And, for easy probiotic foods, I love eating “Cocojun” probiotic coconut yogurt daily, and making my own Water Kefir!
Praise To Water Kefir
The Easiest And Best Probiotic Drink Ever!
I can’t imagine my life without my favorite, new, cultured drink called water kefir…It’s an amazing probiotic drink that contains 30 different strains of beneficial yeasts and bacteria.
Water kefir is the most potent homemade probiotic drink I’ve experienced yet, AND it’s also the easiest to make compared to kombucha, kvaas, etc, so I highly recommend it to everyone!
Kefir is traditionally made using raw milk, but a slightly different strain of kefir grains can be cultured using water as a medium with organic sugar and molasses (or raisins) to feed the grains, instead of the sugars in raw milk. My friend Marian gave me some water kefir “grains” so that I could start my own batch. Now, I feel so good from having water kefir as a regular part of my diet, that, as my kefir “grains” multiply, I’ve been giving them away to friends to start their own batches. If you don’t know of anyone who can give you some, you can google, “water kefir grains” to purchase them for about $10, from many different online sources. Water kefir grains usually look like tiny, jell-like, cauliflower heads, but sometimes they take a more cube-like shape. I know. It’s weird, but water kefir has saved me from experiencing candida yeast overgrowth symptoms, even throughout the holidays! Water kefir will keep your inner microbiome in excellent balance, and, it’s way less pricey than buying probiotic supplements!
Kefir grains need clean, filtered water (not tap water), as they are very sensitive to chemicals like chlorine. And, they don’t like metal, so always use a wooden spoon when working with them. They need fairly refined, organic sugar to multiply. Don’t worry about the sugar; the grains metabolize the sugar, and when the drink is ready after 1-2 days, there’s little to no sugar left.
Here’s the ratio of kefir grains : sugar & molasses : water
1 cup of water kefir grains
1/3 cup organic cane sugar…sugar that’s almost white – not brown like rapidura sugar
4/5 quart of filtered water (or, as much water as will fill the jar with the grains in it)
1tsp unsulphured molasses to supply the grains with minerals OR you can use 1/3 cup organic unsulphured raisins, but it’s a bit tedious to fish out the soaked raisins & throw them away each time you drink the liquid.
Instructions: To dissolve the sugar and molasses into the 4/5 quart of water, either shake it up in a separate wide mouth quart jar, or warm the water slightly and stir the sugar in until dissolved (be sure the water is NOT hot to the touch when adding it to the kefir grains). Once you’ve provided the kefir grains with sugar water and molasses or raisins, it’ll take 1-2 days to culture. In warm temperatures (70-85 degrees), 1 day of culturing is sufficient for the sweet taste of the sugar to diminish significantly. If it’s colder, (55-70 degrees), it takes up to 2 days for the sugar to fully metabolize. I like it when it’s way less sweet. Generally, after 24hrs of culturing, water kefir has about 20% of the sugar you initially fed the grains, and after 48hrs, it has only 5% of the sugar left. After the sugars are metabolized, it will develop about 1% alcohol content, and it’ll develop more alcohol the longer you let it ferment (much like kombucha). I don’t let it go for too long into alcohol-land because the beneficial probiotic bacteria can’t survive for long in an alcoholic environment.
To culture water kefir, place the quart jar on the kitchen counter or in a cupboard out of direct light (indirect light helps the grains multiply) with a loose-fitting lid or a piece of cloth rubber-banded over the top so that the fizzy gasses it produces can escape. When you estimate that it’s ready based on the temperature of your home, pour a bit of the liquid into a cup to taste. If it’s fizzy and no longer super sweet tasting, just discard the raisins if you used them, which will have floated to the top, and strain the liquid into a glass for drinking. Drink the liquid within a few hours, or store it in the fridge for up to 3 days. An easy way to strain the liquid is simply by holding your clean hand against the lip of the jar to hold back the grains as you pour the liquid into a wide glass for drinking. Or, you can strain the liquid using a hand-held strainer basket. And, it’s fine to eat some of the grains if they slip into your drinking glass.
About every 2 weeks, you’ll want to transfer your kefir grains into a clean jar because there will be sediment under the grains on the bottom, and a film that has accumulated at the waterline at the top of the original jar. If you go away from home, just feed your grains fresh sugar water, and store them in the fridge for up to a week. The grains will even bounce back to life after being frozen, which is amazing to me! Kefir grains often multiply quickly, so after about a month or so, you can give or sell excess grains to friends (one excess cup at a time) as Marian did for me, along with these instructions. Excess kefir grains can also be given to pets as probiotic support, or tossed into your compost to add beneficial bacteria and yeasts to your future soil!
I like to get 2 quarts of water kefir culturing about 24hrs apart, staggered, so that I can enjoy an entire quart of my amazing, fizzy kefir drink daily. Have fun finding your favorite water kefir-culturing-time for varying levels of sweetness. And big cheers to your abounding health into our budding golden age!
To create a probiotic-supportive environment in the intestines, which is the foundation of the immune system,
eat according to Food Combining Principles,
which are also beneficial for digestion & assimilation of nutrients
To prime the pump for best digestion, your first bite should be the highest-in-protein, salty or sour food on your plate
Don’t drink more than 4oz of liquid w/meals, so as not to dilute stomach enzymes/acids
For those with poor digestion, eat proteins and starches in separate meals
Concentrated proteins such as nuts, seeds, meat and eggs digest much more easily if consumed in smaller ratios to starches (ideally 1:5 ratio)
Eat no more than 2 different starches per meal. (i.e. yams and rice)
Green, non-starchy veggies help in the digestion of both proteins and starches…kale, broccoli, asparagus, sea vegetables, celery, onion, sprouts, cauliflower, green beans, zucchini, and cabbage
Eat sweet foods alone or in small amounts at the end of the meal
Eat until you feel 80% full, then stop
Eat melons and citrus alone…wait 2hrs before and after meals
from Dr. Keesha Ewers and Dr. Harry Massey
Emotions turn on our immunity, and they switch it off. Positive emotions boost immunity. Emotions of anxiety and fear are directly linked to depressed immunity…over days of negative emotions, subjects studied had 50% less antibodies and were 3 times more likely to catch viruses.
Why? Emotional oscillators in our brains continue to send out the kinds of vibrations that are aligned with the feelings we experience most often. This affects our hormone balance, blood pressure, organ function, reflexes, our ability to vocalize feelings, and of course, our immune response.
So, try to minimize news and negative social media, to 10 minutes/day or less.
Practices which cultivate gratitude and joyful feelings in our hearts on a regular basis, match these emotions and their subsequent vibrations to the neurons in our brains, which then send corrective information to our DNA. Our heart “talks” to our entire body, correcting distortions in every cell. Wow!
Stay strong and healthy in your mind…Be aware of which kinds of stories you habitually tell yourself.
6 Practices To Cultivate Emotional Immunity:
Write out your fears…you’ll feel heard & understood & releived
Do regular breathing exercises (pranayama), which are very healing to the emotional body
Practice be-ing, instead of do-ing
Establish a meditation practice…getting your butt on the cushion for even just 5 minutes regularly helps tremendously
Be quiet & let yourself feel the reality of the world…it’s okay to feel sadness/anger/frustration/disappointment/fatigue/etc….the only way out of these emotions is THROUGH them…if we keep pushing unpleasant emotions aside, we are blocking energy that wants to move through us, and we are thusly more likely to experience illness
Do your emotional healing work to release trauma and stress (books/programs by Peter Levine, etc)